Flex Courses

The Catalyst Exhibition

A Global Student Exhibition of Learning

The Catalyst Exhibition invites students to share, connect, and demonstrate the application of their skills to the real world.

At GOA, student agency means students have opportunities to express choice and voice in what, when, and how they demonstrate learning. The Catalyst Exhibition is a vehicle for meeting that goal. With Catalyst, students have the opportunity to demonstrate how they have applied the skills and concepts learned in their course to the real world.

The specific guidelines of your project will be developed by your teacher and will relate to the content in your class. GOA's student checklist will help you stay on track and ensure you've covered all the important details. To learn more, read this GOA article: The Catalyst Exhibition: A Celebration of Learning.

Your project and the questions you want to pursue are at the heart of this endeavor. You'll identify a question you want to answer in response to a problem that needs to be solved, and through the lens of your course content, you'll follow a research-driven process to answer that question and solve that problem.

The exhibition is an opportunity to showcase your process and impact, engage with an authentic audience, learn from other participants, and gather feedback from a worldwide community. The exhibition will be asynchronous and you'll be expected to sign on a few times each day to engage with other student presentations, as well as respond to people who have visited yours. The exhibition will be open to the public.

Important Dates

Project Process: Your teacher will guide you through selecting a topic/question and following a research and implementation process on the timeline that is best for your course. Some courses will weave this throughout the entire semester and others will set aside a specific window of time just for the Catalyst project.

Exhibition Preparation: Your school will enroll you in the Catalyst Exhibition Canvas space. Students will submit their presentations in that Canvas space based on the specific term deadline. Other than that, all timelines and preliminary due dates are up to your teacher.

Exhibition Participation:

  • Semester 1: December 7-11, 2023
  • Semester 2: April 18-22, 2024

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