DesignÂing AuthenÂtic, StuÂdent-Led LearnÂing ExpeÂriÂences — JanÂuÂary 26, 2024 Live Event
RethinkÂing AssessÂment in the Era of AI — March 22, 2023 Live Event
“Why is it imporÂtant to take care of our menÂtal health and how does exerÂcise increase well-being in order to move towards a more posÂiÂtive life?”
, Lulu W. — Greens Farms Academy
“How can train staÂtions be redesigned to be more susÂtainÂable while also being proÂducÂtive spaces that proÂmote the use of pubÂlic transportation?”
, Michele H. — MenÂlo School
“The PsyÂcholÂoÂgy Behind Consumerism”
, JasÂmin S. — The InterÂnaÂtionÂal School of Prague
“How can schools fosÂter safe enviÂronÂments for peoÂple with autism and how can we highÂlight the beauÂty in the autisÂtic community?”
, ColÂigny D. — Catlin Gabel
“How can music be used to mainÂtain health and proÂmote healÂing in the brain?”
, Luca M. — The DownÂtown School
“How can susÂtainÂable food waste soluÂtions be impleÂmentÂed in comÂmuÂniÂties and households?”
, JereÂmy A. — WestÂern AcadÂeÂmy of Beijing