Religion & Society

In this course, students learn financial responsibility and social consciousness. They examine a wide array of topics including personal budgeting, credit cards and credit scores, career and earning potential, insurance, real estate, financial investment, retirement savings, charitable giving, taxes, and other items related to personal finance.
Students apply their understanding of these topics by simulating real-life financial circumstances and weighing the costs and benefits of their decisions. Throughout the course, students have the opportunity to learn from individuals with varying perspectives and expertise in numerous fields. By reflecting on their roles in the broader economy as both producers and consumers, students begin to consider how they can positively impact the world around them through their financial decisions.
Students in GOA courses will need reliable access to a computer with webcam/microphone connections, an email address (preferably school-based), a Web-conferencing app (GOA courses use Zoom), and a Word processing app (GOA courses use Google’s G Suite). When necessary, alternative arrangements may be made. Some courses require additional materials which can be found here.
UC-approved course
"I have gained much knowledge through this course. I feel much more confident...I feel I have improved many of my problems and am prepared to take on my senior year, as well as college." -Elizabeth, Madison Country Day School
In GOA's Personal Finance, students learn financial responsibility and social consciousness. Students apply their understanding of these topics by simulating real-life financial circumstances and weighing the costs and benefits of their decisions. Ishaan shares more about his experience in the course, what he learned, and what he is taking away.
Study diverse aspects of business, economics, investing, and finance to gain a better understanding of markets and current affairs.
Explore your interests. Earn a Pathway Certification.
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